Thursday, October 16, 2008

Super Simple Breakfast On-The-Go

So far all I have been posting are dinners. Breakfast is a favorite of mine although I rarely have breakfast during the work week. I know its bad to miss breakfast, but too often breakfast for me is little more than a big cup of coffee. Most people will argue that a simple cold cereal will do the trick, and for most this is true. Not for self. I haven't had milk for years, as it dosen't agree with me.

I had time and I was hungry so I snooped in the fridge and found eggs, ham, cheese and mushrooms. Perfect omelete material, yes but that takes more time than I had. There was plenty of time to scramble it real quick and make a breakfast burrito, or low-carb wrap, or snacker.

It's funny to me how a staple in my house growing up is now so heavily marketed by the fast-food joints. As I mentioned before, there were alot of mouths to feed in my house as a kid. For lunches and snacks we ate alot of stuff in tortillas. Who knew that now it would be so cool? Of course I don't remember all the variety of tortillas that we have now. We didn't have whole wheat, or tomato-basil, or the spinach green ones. In my house if they were green it was more of a blue-green and they went in the trash! We had corn or flour, and more often than not the flour were homemade thanks to Mom.

So next time you have less than ten minutes to make something to eat try this. Put your favorite omelete things in a tortilla and wrap it up.


On medium heat melt a pat of butter and throw in the mushrooms and sauté a little.


Throw in a slice of ham, chopped.


Toss in a couple eggs. If you want you can wisk them with a fork but I skipped that not only to save a dirty dish but it's not necessary in my opinion.


Your going to scramble it all up with a spatula anyway. Toss it around a little until the eggs firm up.


Take a slice of American cheese and break it in half and lay it on the tortilla lenthwise.


Add the eggs & goodies.


Add some hot sauce if desired.


Now put it in the microwave for 30 seconds on high to soften the cold tortilla for easy folding.


Fold the edges...


Give it a roll and your done. I grabbed this and hit the door. Easy to eat in the car!

Ingredients List
  • Mushrooms
  • (1) Slice of ham
  • (1) Slice of American cheese
  • (1) Burrito sized flour tortilla
  • (1) pat of butter
  • Favorite hot sauce to taste

1 comment:

j.K. MLaDuCKy said...

great idea, self!

you should try soy milk. it tastes just like regular milk, but i'm guessing it won't upset your tummy.